Unbox Your Talent

Think you’re good at basketball? Or eager to show off your singing talent? We’ve got just the thing for you! Various competitions, from basketball, futsal, band, vocal, food innovation, and modern dance are here for you to show off your talent! Become the best, and bring home the prize. Registration open until 9th of June 2023.
Register now or chat with us for more information.
Rules & Regulations
- Category : Men & Women
- Open for active high school students
- Each school team consists of 12 members (5 starter & 7 bench)
- Each school team to register through the link provided
- If one or more member of the school team is not a student of the school, the team will be disqualified
- Each school team must attend the technical meeting and complete their document upload, which includes:
- List of players and officials
- 3×4 photo & a copy of the student ID of all the team players
- A cover letter from the school with a list of the players representing the school in this competition
- Category : Men
- Open for active high school students
- Each school team consists of 12 members (5 starter & 7 bench)
- Each school team to register through the link provided
- If one or more member of the school team is not a student of the school, the team will be disqualified
- Each school team must attend the technical meeting and complete their document upload, which includes:
- List of players and officials
- 3×4 photo & a copy of the student ID of all the team players
- A cover letter from the school with a list of the players representing the school in this competition
- Open for active high school students
- Each school team to have a maximum of 5 members
- All genres of music is allowed except Dead Metal
- Selected songs and lyrics must not contain elements of violence, dirty words, or other elements that are contrary to the norms of decency
- Each school team is expected to dress modestly
- Each school team will be assessed through their ensemble, arrangement, and technique
- Initial selection step is done through the video contest uploaded
- Each school team is required to upload their band performance video to Instagram with the hashtag #UPHUnboxBand and mention UPH’s IG @uphimpactslives through their school’s or private account (the account to be open and not private in order for the judges to see) with a supporting caption
- Each videos uploaded will be judged by UPH’s Conservatory of Music
- Each school team that is selected will be invited to the Stage Audition of UPH Unbox! and to prepare 3 performances (2 for quarter final & 1 for final)
- Each school team must attend the technical meeting and complete their document upload, which includes:
- List of players and officials
- 3×4 photo & a copy of the student ID of all the team players
- A cover letter from the school with a list of the players representing the school in this competition
- Open for active high school students
- All genres of music is allowed except Dead Metal
- Selected songs and lyrics must not contain elements of violence, dirty words, or other elements that are contrary to the norms of decency
- Each school team is expected to dress modestly
- Each school team will be assessed through their vocal technique, expression, and interpretation
- Initial selection step is done through the video contest uploaded
- Each school team is required to upload their band performance video to Instagram with the hashtag #UPHUnboxVocal and mention UPH’s IG @uphimpactslives through their school’s or private account (the account to be open and not private in order for the judges to see) with a supporting caption
- Each videos uploaded will be judged by UPH’s Conservatory of Music
- Each school team that is selected will be invited to the Stage Audition of UPH Unbox! and to prepare 3 performances (2 for quarter final & 1 for final)
- Each school team must attend the technical meeting and complete their document upload, which includes:
- List of players and officials
- 3×4 photo & a copy of the student ID of all the team players
- A cover letter from the school with a list of the players representing the school in this competition
- Open for active high school students
- Each school team to have a minimum of 6 members and a maximum of 8 members
- Maximum duration per school team will be 10 minutes
- Each school team is not allowed to bring properties that might be hazardous such as glass, fire, and other dangerous properties
- Each school team is not allowed to wear costume or have dance moves that contains elements of pornography
- Each school team will be assessed through their uniqueness, and balance composition of the team
- Initial selection step is done through the video contest uploaded
- Each school team is required to upload their dance video to Instagram with the hashtag #UPHUnboxDance and mention UPH’s IG @uphimpactslives through their school’s or private account (the account to be open and not private in order for the judges to see) with a supporting caption
- Each school team that is selected will be invited to the Grand Audition of UPH Unbox! and to prepare 2 performances (quarter final & final) with a maximum duration of 10 minutes per performance
- Each school team must attend the technical meeting and complete their document upload, which includes:
- List of players and officials
- 3×4 photo & a copy of the student ID of all the team players
- A cover letter from the school with a list of the players representing the school in this competition
- Open for active high school students
- Each school team consists of 4-5 members
- Theme : “Incorporation of Local Herbs and Spices in Food or Beverages”
- Type of Event :
- Product Presentation
- Product Exhibition
- Each school team are expected to utilize and process local ingredients to innovate food that can have health benefits as well as increase the public’s interest toward the material
- Main ingredient for this competition is local spices. Each team will pick 1 local spice from the 2 category available:
- Category A : Cinnamon, Vanilla, or Lemongrass
- Category B : Ginger, Turmeric, or Nutmeg
- Each team will pick 1 ingredient from category A & 1 ingredient from category B
- Each school team may choose their preferred spices and must state the reason for choosing that spice
- Each school team will work on the ingredient into a local product that is creative, have high quality, attractive appearance, and flavors preferred by the customer
- Only natural food additives are allowed (example : sugar, salt, honey, brown sugar, ginger water, cinnamon powder, turmeric powder, and others alike)
- No synthetic additives allowed (example : MSG, natrium benzoat, sakarin), commercial extract (example : vanilla extract, ginger extract, synthetic turmeric extract, and others alike)
- Competition will consist of 4 steps, from registration and submission of proposal, presentation to the jury, exhibition, and closed with winner announcement
- Each school team are required to submit the proposal in PDF format, consisting of : background of the chosen ingredient, concept of the product innovation, tools and materials, procedure and methods used to process the product, reason behind the innovation, strength and weakness of the product, constraint faced during the production of the product, and other explanation of the product
- Latest proposal submission date is 6th of June 2023
- Teams that passed the 1st selection step (proposal) is required to attend the technical meeting on the 15th of June 2023
- On the 22nd of June 2023, each team will present their product innovation to the jury
- On the 23rd of June 2023, each team will start to decorate their booth (no additional scoring) and will start the exhibition
- 1st place and runner up will be judged by the jury and voted by visitors to determine the favorite product
Drop us a message at (+62) 812 8584 0556
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